It’s time.
I’ve been in the lab developing what is now known as “The Accelerator” for a while.
The idea first came to mind in Summer of 2022.. ~2 years ago!
Over the past 2 years I’ve been:
Building on and refining my methods and approach
Stress-testing all of the new content & ideas with my clients and having them apply it in their deals (across a variety of verticals & B2B / B2C)
Getting real world feedback from clients and my own deals → Reiterating → and Retesting
~2 years later I’ve finally created a new program that meets my standards.
A program that I believe is unique and exceptional in a sea of same old.
And I’m excited to share it with you.
I know many of you have been patiently waiting for this and I want to say that I appreciate your patience and support.
I could have rushed it.
I’m happy I didn’t.
Accelerator Overview
The Accelerator is a 12 week group coaching program that will be running year round.
We will meet, as a group, every other week via Zoom in order to cover the core material.
And there will be “Open Gym” sessions occurring in the weeks between in order to focus on practicing the material.
A maximum of 10 participants will be allowed per cohort.
Each session will be ~1 hour and consist of:
- Live teaching of the new content
- Live participation & Active learning from you
- Q&A / Group discussion / Real-time feedback
The Accelerator is a highly tactical program with each session building on the learnings from the previous sessions.
Our 3 months together will require:
Your attendance, high intention and full presence.
Completion of the homework assignments & exercises to the best of your ability (with my guidance of course)
and the courage to participate in a group setting + engage your peers and I in live roleplaying exercises where we can all learn and grow together
For this to work, for both you and I, you must be 100% engaged and committed throughout our brief time together. No exceptions.
There are limited spots and I’m only interested in helping those who have decided to improve and are committed to doing so.
This program will also require that you have the ability, willingness, and flexibility to experiment with the new methods & approaches you’ll be learning.
My approach to selling is unconventional. It is also a proven approach that is brutally effective as demonstrated by the thousands of sellers around the world that have experienced exceptional results using my methods and approach.
However, my approach to selling can be off-putting and offend the sensibilities of some..
I’m looking at you in particular, SaaS sales leaders!
*If and when SaaS sales leaders decide to change, I’ll be here for them too 😉
So, ideally you’re in a selling environment where you can experiment with new approaches and have enough freedom & leeway to make (the necessary) mistakes in order to learn.
Now onto the program itself.
Here’s what we’ll be covering throughout our 3 months together:
Month 1
There is a high correlation between the buyers perception of your Authority and “Closed Won”
You will learn the tools, frameworks, and principles behind how to develop deep Domain Expertise in order to increase your Authority.
Developing Domain Expertise means understanding in detail what problems, experiences, feelings, and thoughts your buyers go through in their day to day and having the ability to articulate all of that back to them using their language.
In short, it’s understanding your buyer better than they know themselves.
Many of you believe you understand your buyers. The new “Lay of the Land” exercise I’ve developed will shamelessly challenge that belief.
I’ll also teach you how to create a Problem Pitch so you stop losing control of the meeting when the buyer asks you “Tell me more about your company?”
You will also learn the formulas and frameworks I (and my clients) use in order to create questions.
I often get asked “SalesGuy, how do you know what questions to ask?”
You will not only learn what questions to ask but, more importantly, you will learn how to know which questions to ask and how to create them.
You’ll learn how to ask the right questions, in the right way, at the right time in order to achieve critical objectives, such as:
- Finding the Buyers Problems
- Raising the Stakes
- Quickly Disqualifying tire kickers
- Diagnosing the Root Causes (i.e demonstrating to the buyer you understand *why* their problems are happening in the first place)
- And mapping (leading) the buyer to your solution
“Teach a seller what questions to ask, he will ask good questions for a meeting. Teach a seller how to create questions, he asks good questions forever” - 🐲
Month 2
You will learn how to run a sales meeting from open to close so you get the buyer doing all the work convincing and/or Disqualifying themselves.
You’ll learn how to set a strong Frame at the beginning of your meetings, Neutralize Status Gaps (if needed, of course!) and how to take the questions you’ve created in Month 1 and plug them into your sales meetings.
You will also get access to and learn The Cartoon Selling structure that I’ve developed.
The Cartoon Selling structure is a powerful framework that helps guide you through the selling process and enables you to consciously repeat winning behaviors.
I believe that every elite seller naturally follows The Cartoon Selling Structure. Only now I’ve codified it and made it accessible for you.
You will learn how to identify, play with, and influence Status Dynamics.
Elite sellers have a high quality “Talent Stack” (h/t Scott Adams) meaning they are competent at a variety of relevant skills that enhance the overall talent of the individual.
We’re going to leverage principles and teachings from my experience in improv in order to improve your ability to manage the moment and think & act quickly on your feet.
You’ll learn how to create compelling “characters” that buyers feel comfortable buying from and respect & defer to.
You will also get to practice playing with Status Dynamics and acting your way through a meeting.
You will learn what the “Frame Game” is and why sellers keep losing it.
Once you see it, you can’t unsee it.
You’ll also learn why you make the mistakes you do with buyers and why you’re doomed to keep repeating them (unless you change, of course)
Month 3
In the final month, we will ramp up our learning and application of Frame Control.
You’ll learn how to always be in control of your meetings through the use of 3 powerful communication techniques:
and Socratic Questioning
You’ll learn the structures, frameworks, and formulas for how to create a Frame, a Reframe, and/or a Socratic Question.
*I have yet to see any sales training out there distill and codify the process of Framing & Reframing into a step by step process that anyone can follow.
I am (probably) the first to do it.
We will also cover Prospecting.
You’ll learn how to avoid the most common trap that sellers fall into when doing outreach (and why their success rates are often abysmal)
You’ll learn the 3 levers to successful outreach and 4 powerful tactics you can implement immediately in your outreach messaging in order to stand out.
I will also do Live Teardowns of your cold emails / cold calling scripts so you get real time feedback and practice with me.
Bonus Sessions
Currently there are 2 bonus sessions that will take place at the end of the 3 month program:
Bonus Session #1: BowTiedSystems has agreed to lead a guest session for us on leveraging your sales technology / software in order to increase productivity.
Bonus Session #2: Michael Hewitt will be leading a guest session on tonality and various soft skills.
The Bonus Sessions are included in the cost of the program.
*The bonus sessions are not part of the core program and are subject to change in the future.
$6,000 for the entire program.
Paid Substack subscribers and those who have purchased my course get priority access and can enroll at a special rate of $5,500.
*you also have the option to purchase individual coaching throughout the 3 months as well.
Next Steps
**August 7, 2024 update: Now that all of the paid subscribers had an opportunity to enroll, enrollment is now open for course buyers.
**October 29, 2024 update: Now that all of the paid subscribers and course buyers had an opportunity to enroll, enrollment is now open for the entire community.
1) Here’s the link to the form.
2) After you fill out the form, I will reach out with one of 2 messages:
To schedule a consultation in order to see if the Accelerator is right for you.
Or to confirm that you’re on the waitlist.
I will open multiple cohorts depending on demand.
See you on the other side, anon.